Northwest Ropers News Article

February 2013

February 2013 NWRN


Patented Rope Horse


There are many kinds of rope horses in the world; one for every level from beginner to professional. A rope horse is a good fit when it matches the skill level of its owner. The easiest rope horse to place in a good home is a hard mouth programmed middle-aged one that has made thousands of runs and gently delivers a consistent performance every time. A horse that pauses when you nod and waits until the steer starts and runs up into the hole so a guy can rope; a horse that pauses in the pocket after you pull your slack and then floats out left until it feels the weight on the wood and then heads to the fence until there is a tug from the heeler stopping the steer. Those are the horses that an average jack-potter could make a lot of money on. That kind of horse knows that it has a job to do and life is usually pretty good as long as it does its job. Doing its job often times affords the owner a chance at the winners circle.


That same good, reliable horse really struggles when there are fresh cattle because the steers don’t necessarily run straight down the pen or at the same rate of speed. So, the rider might bounce all over as old reliable tries to get his rider in the right position, which causes the cowboy to pull on his face for balance to get a good shot (thus the hard mouth). The change from a normal run makes it hard for a completed time. So, old faithful will endure the roping until it is time to head to the trailer. The older the horse gets, the more programmed it becomes, and the more seasoned a horse is the better it puts up with its owner and enduring what the day brings.


I talk to a lot of people about walking with God. What people say to avoid the topic is amazing. One of my favorites is, “I already know what I believe.” Another canned response is, “I am not interested in going to church.” That one makes me laugh. Church is not the only place God moves, just because that is the only place people look for Him. Is the roping pen the only place you can ride a horse? This thought process reminds me of that old faithful rope horse that has learned to survive every team roping run and the goal is to just get through the next one without changing things up too much. You made it through last week and you can make it through this week the same way, right?


The God of the universe is interested in walking with you through your week. We work with our horses every run. It is a relationship that must go both directions to succeed and reach its fullest potential. It is important to be ready to change how you handle a new day. If your mind is already set, then God can’t find much to work with and your heart can be as hard as that old horse’s mouth. God doesn’t fellowship with your mind; He wants to commune with you heart to heart.


People think they already have it figured out. 2 Corinthians 3:12-14 tells us that a person’s eyes are blinded until they choose to let God into their heart. When we yield ourselves to God and let Him into our heart; our eyes are opened to see the willingness of God to move in our lives through every moment and every day and every week. He actually has the ability communicate with you and lead you in all areas of life, including your family and work. Just like the rope horse that fits you best because it responds to the lightness of your touch, and helps you handle your work before you even think about it. The horse that fits best helps you overcome obstacles that show up in a moment when a steer decides to change things up. Trusting God allows HIM to direct your emotions and keep them from ruining your day. It allows Him to be the anchor of how you see your day instead of circumstances dictating your mood and choices. When God is leading you, depression and discouragement have no right to tell you how your week will end. No matter what comes your way you can trust God’s lead and know that He has a plan. His hope in you and through you can direct your path and give you a positive outlook that gives you the strength to be happy. It is pretty much impossible for God to play his part in becoming more real to you, if you think you already know what you believe and will not let God show you what HE believes for you. It is called a relationship. It is not a belief structure. Walking with God everyday is like riding a good horse that works with you, trusts you and listens to you to make the best run each and every time. We can trust God even more than the good horse trusts its owner.


We have to trust God and follow his lead. Watch him take your heart that has been hardened by life, just like the hard mouth of a horse, and make it supple. Let God bring life to your heart.




Watch God move in your life in the areas you need it.


Until next month; Ride with God,

Travis Klingeman


You are not too late! If you would like to take a weekend and learn more about riding with God come join us at Silver Buckle Ranch February 22-24. It will be a weekend where God will change your life! Call or Text 541-274-9944 to register.  

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January 2013 NWRN


Future with Family


I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Christmas is supposed to be a wonderful season of rejoicing and spending time with family. I get a lot of laughs when I visit with people in January and they share how every fall before winter they miss their family and look forward to quality time with them at Christmas. When January roles around they are relieved Christmas is over and that they don’t have to put up with some crazy family members until next year.


Time always allows us to forget frustration or annoyances that we have with family. Every year that same family member is still annoying and we hope they change before next year to make our family better. Others find the Christmas season hard because the effects of their choices are not what they wish they would be and often times are reflected in a broken family or broken relationships.


You cannot control your family or your past, but you can control the way you live your life this year. There are lots of New Year's resolutions and goals set every January. Why not let God go a little deeper into your life? It is God's desire to help you enjoy life and have more peace in all areas. I would like to invite you to join us at the Silver Buckle Rodeo Bible Camp. It is an opportunity to learn how to walk with God and produce change in your family. The change will start inside of you.


It is possible to improve your life to the fullest by letting God in. This year you have an opportunity to load up a horse and join us in Vancouver, Washington with your family. Get some miles on your horse in an indoor arena and take your walk with God and your relationships with your horse and family to a new level. We will have a good time learning how to walk with God and pray for family. You will wake up in the morning with a smile because of the increased peace and joy God will bring. We will rope, sort cattle, and enjoy letting God go deeper into our life which will produce a positive outcome for our future. Come join us!


Silver Buckle Ranch 541-274-9944


Until next month; ride with God,

Travis Klingeman


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